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Gym supplementation

Designed to enhance your athletic performance, support your recovery after exercise and contribute to your overall fitness goals.

What are gym supplements?

Gym supplements, also known as fitness or workout supplements, are designed to enhance your athletic performance, support your recovery after exercise and contribute to your overall fitness goals.

These supplements are commonly used by those of us who enjoy strength workouts such as weightlifting as well as endurance training and strength workouts. They’re also useful for athletes or those of us preparing for fitness challenges such as marathons or big events, as they can help us to ensure our body is fit and ready as well as helping to release energy and aid stamina.

It's important to note that whilst supplements can be a helpful addition to a well balanced diet and fitness plan, they can’t replace having a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Keeping the body healthy and able to meet its fitness goals, whatever they may be, needs a good diet, plenty of rest, a healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

What gym supplements should I take?

Before incorporating any gym supplements into your routine, it's important to consider your individual fitness plans, diet, lifestyle and your overall health. Taking a supplement, whether it’s a powder or a tablet, can help to boost results from your workouts but they won’t magically produce results on their own so it’s best to choose what to take based on your overall goals.

Some of the common gym supplements that people take can include:

Protein Supplements
These can be whey protein and casein protein, which both come from milk, or plant based protein such as pea, rice or hemp protein. They all aim to provide a sustained release of amino acids and are often taken to help recovery after a workout.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
BCAAs, including leucine, isoleucine and valine, are essential amino acids that play a key role in the muscle protein synthesis process. BCAA supplements are often consumed before, during or after workouts to help support our muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness.
Creatine is a commonly used gym supplement and is a compound that helps produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is how the body gets energy from cells. Creatine is widely used to enhance strength, power and build muscle mass.
Pre-Workout Supplements
These supplements often contain a combination of ingredients such as caffeine, beta-alanine and nitric oxide and we often turn to them to help us get the most out of our gym session or workout.. They are designed to boost energy, increase focus and enhance our exercise performance so taking them before can mean a more intense session and helping to reach a fitness goal.
Post-Workout Supplements
Just as a pre-workout supplement can help us prepare for the gym, a post workout supplement can help us replenish glycogen, electrolytes and aid muscle recovery and repair.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 supplements, typically derived from fish oil or vegan alternatives, are known for their anti inflammatory benefits which can support our overall health, including our joints.
For those following a vegan or vegetarian diet it can be harder to get enough Omega-3, but building in Vegan Omega-3 Supplements into your daily intake can ensure you’re not deficient.
Vitamins and Minerals
Essential vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in overall health and can support our body in many ways, including energy metabolism, immune function and bone health. Whilst we typically get most of our vitamin and mineral intake from our diet, taking a supplement can help to make sure we’re not missing any essential nutrients too.
Glutamine is an amino acid that plays a role in muscle recovery and supports our immune system to keep us healthy and well. It’s also been found to have benefits when taken after intense exercise.
Electrolyte supplements help replenish minerals such as sodium, potassium and magnesium, which are lost through sweating during exercise.
Beta-alanine is an amino acid that can help combat the build up of lactic acid in muscles, which can result in aches and pains after exercise as well as leaving our bodies tired during high-intensity exercise.
Collagen is often taken as part of a post workout routine and it can work to increase amino acids and target your recovery, providing your joints, bones and muscles with the right support they need to repair after a workout. As collagen comes from animal byproducts, those following a vegan or plant based lifestyle can consider a Vegan Collagen Supplement too.


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When should I take a gym supplement?

The time of day you take your chosen supplement can have an impact on the results it gives, but it all depends on what you want to get from your workout and what results you are aiming for.

Take your chosen gym supplement before a workout if you’re looking for a burst of energy, taking a supplement aimed at recovery, after a workout can aid muscle repair and growth or taking a supplement first thing in the morning can help with your body’s metabolism and be useful for fat loss, muscle growth and strength.

If you’re taking a protein based gym supplement, then taking it after your workout will be a good idea to support muscle recovery, but it can also be taken at other times when you want additional protein in your diet, such as between meals.

BCAAs can be taken at various times of the day and are commonly taken before, during, or after workouts to support muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness.

Pre-workout supplements are usually taken 20 to 30 minutes before exercise to enhance energy, focus, and exercise performance. They typically contain caffeine to aid that energy rush, so it’s important to be mindful if you’re taking them in the afternoon or evening as they could impact your sleep.

A post workout supplement, such as protein and carbohydrates, is typically consumed within 30 to 60 minutes after exercise to replenish glycogen stores and support muscle recovery.

Electrolyte supplements are commonly taken during or after intense exercise to replenish electrolytes lost through sweating. If a fitness goal like marathon running is something you’re focused on, then you might find having an electrolyte gel or drink handy when you finish can help to quickly replenish your levels once your run is complete.

And lastly, multivitamins or individual vitamin and mineral supplements which can include Bone Care Vegan Health Supplements or a Vegan Vitamin C Supplement are usually taken with meals to enhance absorption and reduce the chances of side effects such as sickness or nausea.