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A big thank you’ from Chris Smith and team at Vegetology

We launched our first product, Omega-3, back in 2010 and it seems like yesterday! When we look at the pins on our world map to see just how much of the globe has been reached by Omega-3 and our other products, it blows our mind!

We launched our first product, Omega-3, back in 2010 and it seems like yesterday! When we look at the pins on our world map to see just how much of the globe has been reached by Omega-3 and our other products, it blows our mind! I just wanted to say on behalf of the entire team at Vegetology that we truly appreciate each and every one of you, our customers, and feel genuinely humbled and blessed to continually get such wonderful comments and feedback from you.

Your support, loyalty and suggestions not only keep us going, but also drive us forward. The words that sum it up better than anything: Thank you. Here are some more specific comments I wanted to make about how we love to hear from you, and how we strive to offer as much as we can in return:

Please always feel free to drop us a line!

When I started the brand with Mark and the rest of our small team, we made a promise to ourselves, and that was that no matter how busy we get, and no matter how many thing get in the way, we still want to engage directly with our customer. When we receive emails and contact forms asking questions or giving suggestions, they come to myself, Mark and the other owner and founders of the brand, and we are the people that answer them. I love the fact this doesn’t go unnoticed with you.

Drop us an email: [email protected]

Rapid responses from real people

We will always continue to come back to you quickly. When you have a question about a product, we know how nice it is to be able to get an answer quickly. That’s our aim, whether it is a query about an order or for a discussion about a specific piece of research you may have found.

Get in touch 15

Your feedback and ideas are vital

We always welcome your feedback. Not only does it help us to constantly improve what we do, it often gives us inspiration to explore new areas. Some of the thinking that has gone into our products has come as a direct result of suggestions we’ve received from you.

Feedback is great, and we always act upon it. We welcome comments directly to our email, via Facebook, Twitter, however you see fit. We welcome online reviews via our website and always check they are genuine. It is always funny looking at the same generic ‘reviews’ some brands have for their products, saying the same things in numerous different ways, probably written by themselves. :)

Please share your experiences with us!

Please always share your experiences with us. Whether it is an uplift in your Vitamin D levels after taking Vit-D3, or managing to conceive after many attempts following a spell of taking Omega-3, any and all experiences are so exciting for us to hear about. After all, the aim of our products is to improve your health and wellbeing, so when they do a good job, we want to give the products a pat on the back!