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Supplements to Increase Estrogen

What is Estrogen?

Estrogen is a hormone that is an essential part of our body’s health, for both the male and female reproductive systems. In females, it contributes to reproductive and breast health, amongst other functions.

There are three primary types of estrogen: estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3); with estradiol being one of the most potent and predominant forms. Produced primarily in the ovaries, it’s also produced in the adrenal glands and fat tissues in the body

Who produces Estrogen?

It's important to note that while estrogen is a key hormone in females, it can also be found in smaller amounts in males. In men, estrogen is produced primarily in the testes and adrenal glands and plays a role in reproductive and metabolic functions. For women, estrogen is part of the menstrual cycle and levels can fluctuate throughout a woman’s life, including significant changes during life stages such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause.

Hormone balance is crucial for our overall health, and imbalances can lead to health issues. If you suspect you might have a hormonal imbalance or experience symptoms related to estrogen levels, it's recommended to consult with your GP or a healthcare practitioner for medical advice.

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What are the symptoms of low Estrogen?

Low estrogen levels is known as a condition called estrogen deficiency or hypoestrogenism, which can lead to various symptoms, especially in women. These symptoms can have a huge impact on overall health, not just the menstrual cycle or reproductive system. Having a lower level of this hormone can also impact our bone health and overall wellbeing amongst others.

Whilst symptoms can vary from person to person, some might find symptoms more severe than others. Common symptoms of low estrogen include:

  • Irregular periods or menstruation
    A change in periods, including the length of time or flow and even missing them, can be a sign of low estrogen in the body.
  • Hot flushes and night sweats
    Mimicking signs of the menopause, having a ‘hot flush’ or sweating at night can be a sign that the body is lacking enough estrogen.
  • Vaginal dryness
    Loss of estrogen can have an effect on the genitals and have a drying effect on the vagina, resulting in discomfort, itching and also pain during sex.
  • Mood swings
    Estrogen has a huge impact on our mood, and lower levels can cause erratic mood swings, irritability, anxiety and depression.
  • Disrupted sleep
    Estrogen can also affect our rest periods and impact sleeping patterns, which can lead to difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking and insomnia.
  • Fatigue
    Our energy levels can be impacted by lower estrogen levels and can lead to feeling tired and lethargic.
  • Bone density loss
    Estrogen plays a crucial role in maintaining bone density. Low estrogen levels can lead to a higher risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
  • Joint pain
    Some women with low estrogen may experience joint pain or stiffness.
  • Memory and concentration
    Estrogen receptors are present in the brain, and changes in estrogen levels can impact cognitive function, memory and concentration.
  • Headaches
    Some women may experience headaches or migraines with low estrogen levels.
  • Lower libido
    Reduced estrogen can contribute to a decrease in sexual desire.
  • Changes in weight
    Changes in estrogen levels may be associated with changes in body fat distribution, potentially leading to weight gain, especially around the abdomen.
  • Dry skin and hair
    Estrogen helps maintain skin elasticity and moisture. Low levels may result in dry skin and changes in hair texture.

It's important to remember that symptoms of low estrogen can be a sign of other medical conditions, and speaking with a GP or a healthcare practitioner can help to get a clearer diagnosis. They might choose to measure your hormone levels via blood tests before recommending the right treatment option for you.

The female body also naturally begins to produce less estrogen as it enters menopause and perimenopause, and a medical professional can offer advice and support as the body transitions. Vegan Tablets and Vitamins for Menopause can also be a supplement that helps as the body faces this new life stage.

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Supplements to balance hormones including Estrogen

Hormones play a delicate role in the body, and hormonal imbalances can have significant health implications. Certain foods and supplements may help to encourage the body by supporting hormonal health or providing nutrients important for estrogen production, these include:

  • Phytoestrogens
    Phytoestrogens are plant compounds that have estrogen-like effects, and can have been found to be beneficial in combating symptoms and conditions caused by estrogen deficiency.
  • Vitamin D
    Adequate levels of Vitamin D are important for overall hormonal health, and having enough can have a positive boost for the metabolic health in women. Taking a Vitamin D supplement can ensure the body is having enough, as one of the main sources is sunlight but that can be difficult to ensure adequate vitamin D levels in the body.
  • Zinc
    Zinc is an adaptogen for several key hormones, helping to rebalance inadequate or excess cortisol, estrogen and progesterone in women.
  • Omega-3
    Omega-3 is useful for overall health, as well as hormonal health and also reducing inflammation in the body as well as helping cognitive function to combat symptoms like ‘brain fog’ and poor concentration.
  • Magnesium
    Magnesium is involved in various biochemical processes, including hormone production so is thought to be beneficial for boosting estrogen levels if they fall.
  • L-Arginine
    This amino acid is found in protein-rich foods and can play a role in supporting hormonal balance.

To get enough vitamins or combine the benefits of the above, supplement bundles or multivitamins can be a great option and are perfect for busy, on the go lifestyles. There are also vegan supplements that can offer the vitamins and nutrients your body needs, especially if you’re not finding it in your diet.

It's also important to remember that lifestyle factors, such as maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management, also contribute to hormonal health.

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