Active Energy Vegan Vitamins and Supplements

Fight fatigue & boost daily performance

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Selected vitamins, minerals + Adaptogenic herbs

Looking for a caffeine-free energy boost? Active Energy combines energy-yielding Vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Vitamin C, Folate and Iron with Adaptogenic herbs used in traditional medicines to help fight fatigue, providing support for unforgiving work schedules and hectic lifestyles.

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Fatigue fighting

The reduction of tiredness and fatigue

Metabolic support

Normal energy-yielding metabolism

Immunity protection

Maintaining the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise

Active Energy Vegan Vitamins and Supplements

Combining selected vitamins, minerals and Adaptogenic herbs, our Active Energy is the tiredness zapping vitamin that gives you back that energetic zing in your step.

We’ve all been there. The hectic week that doesn’t seem to let up. The late night to meet that urgent deadline. The broken sleep from being up with the kids in the early hours. Sometimes it’s just a busy schedule and a hectic to do list that can make us feel lethargic and tired and reaching for the best supplements for energy.

In fact, the UK is chronically tired and feeling exhausted is so common that it even has its own acronym! 'TATT', or 'tired all the time' is now widespread with most adults experiencing it at some time in their life.

Yet instead of reaching for the coffee, the red bull or for an additive filled sugary drink, get your fatigue fighting boost from our vitamins for energy instead,

Our Active Energy combines the energy-yielding Vitamin B complex including B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Vitamin C, Folate and Iron. Added to these vegan vitamins for energy are Adaptogenic herbs used in traditional medicines to help fight fatigue, providing support for unforgiving work schedules and hectic lifestyles.

How does fatigue affect me?

Feeling tired and experiencing fatigue is something many of us can identify with. Fatigue can affect us in a variety of ways and whilst the odd day of feeling tired might be bearable, if it becomes long term, it can hugely affect us.

The effects of fatigue include:

  • Slower reactions.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Forgetfulness or ‘brain fog’.
  • Difficulties in problem solving.
  • Decreased awareness.
  • Reduced coordination, which can lead to errors and accidents, ill-health and injury, and reduced productivity.
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How can I stop feeling tired?

There are ways that we can fight tiredness and fatigue. The obvious answer is to get more sleep or have better quality sleep, so we feel rested, but that isn’t the only answer.

Cutting out caffeine can also be helpful. Caffeine is often seen as the ‘go to’ for tiredness but it’s only a short term fix as it can mask the symptoms but our body later crashes from it and we can feel even more tired after. The Royal College of Psychiatrists recommends that anyone feeling tired should cut out caffeine. It says the best way to do this is to gradually stop having all caffeine drinks over a three week period.

Alcohol is another thing to cut from our diets. Although a couple of glasses of wine in the evening can help us fall asleep, we sleep less deeply after drinking alcohol. The next day we'll still be tired, even if we sleep a full 8 hours.

Reducing stress can also help us feel lighter and less tired, and even things we might not think of as stressful could be a mental toll that’s making us feel fatigued. There are various ways to cut down on stress including working out, spending time with friends or listening to music or watching Tv to ‘switch off’ and reduce our stress including our cortisol levels.

Moving our bodies might be the last thing we want to do when we’re tired. Yet movement can be hugely helpful to boost our energy levels and help us feel more awake. Even a small 15-minute walk can give you an energy boost, and the benefits increase with more frequent physical activity.

Staying hydrated can also be the key to fighting fatigue throughout the day. Sometimes you feel tired simply because you're mildly dehydrated. A glass of water will do the trick, especially after exercise.

What vitamins can I take for tiredness?

If you lead an active lifestyle or need an energy boost, then you can look at taking vitamins for energy. There’s a wide range of vitamins which can work together to support our health, ranging from Vitamin K2 that can help aid absorption of vital minerals to magnesium tablets that support the body’s nerve function and energy production to multi vitamin blends that help the body in a general approach.

Almost all vitamins, minerals and nutrients can have an impact on our energy levels in some way, but there are a few that can be helpful to make us feel energised and recharged:

Vitamin B2

Our energy metabolism in the body is dependent on the presence of several micronutrients with Vitamin B2 playing an important role. This vitamin can help to reduce tiredness and fatigue and stop us feeling lethargic.

In fact, vitamin B2 can help increase the body's production of melatonin, making it important for regulating sleep-wake cycles.

Case studies of higher B2 levels have also been associated with a lower risk of depression, which also means that due to better sleep and less disruptions in the circadian rhythm it can reduce depression.

Whilst we can often find these vital vitamins in our diet with B2 found in fish, poultry, eggs and dairy and B6 found in beans, poultry, fish, papayas and dark leafy greens. However, it can be useful to look at supplements to boost our intake of B vitamins and ensure our bodies are getting what they need to keep tiredness and fatigue at bay.

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 plays several roles in the body including supporting the brain by helping normal psychological function.

It’s also a secret weapon for energy as it helps to generate energy from your food by supporting the enzymes needed for cellular metabolism and helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue.

Vitamin B3 is found naturally in a wide variety of both animal and plant-based foods, including beef, liver, poultry, eggs, dairy products, fish, nuts, seeds, legumes, avocados, and whole grains. It is also found in fortified cereals and bread.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 also helps us in fighting fatigue as it helps our bodies to produce energy by breaking down fats and carbohydrates. This releases energy from our food, and we can usually feel the effects quickly after taking it.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is essential for the chemical breakdown of glycogen, which gives our bodies the glucose fuel it needs for physical activity. Having a vitamin B6 deficiency could also potentially contribute to tiredness and feeling exhausted, due to its role in making the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin.

It might sound counterproductive to have a vitamin that makes us feel sleepy as part of our Active Energy but it can help as it can encourage our bodies to create more melatonin so we can fall asleep faster.

You can find Vitamin B6 mainly in meat-based proteins, and it can be hard to get enough if you're a vegan or a vegetarian.

Vitamin B12

If you're low or deficient in B12, you'll likely feel fatigued and lethargic throughout the day.

Our body's cells need B12 to function properly and without it we can struggle to make enough red blood cells. This can mean less oxygen delivered around the body and lead to that exhausted feeling.

B12 is not only a fatigue fighting vitamin, but it can also help us with cognitive function and depression symptoms too. Giving us a boost is one of the main functions of Vitamin B12, and it can be bolstered with a supplement to help our body’s core functions.

Vitamin C

Studies have shown that when we have better levels of vitamin C, we have better sleep, and we can also cope better when we have the odd sleepless evening. This allows us to bounce back after a one off night of restlessness too.

As well as being great for our beauty sleep, vitamin C also keeps our skin healthy and protects the body’s cells as well as improving and maintaining immune function. Vitamins for immune system can be helpful to boost the body’s defences, and often they will include vitamin C alongside others.

Vitamin C is also not able to be stored by our bodies, so we need to regularly maintain it. We can get it from our diet, and it’s also boosted with dedicated supplements that can help our body absorb it.

Vitamin C also benefits our energy levels by maintaining and supporting energy production by working closely with the mitochondria, the part of the cell that produces energy.


Vitamin B9 is also called folate or folic acid and is one of 8 B vitamins. All B vitamins help the body convert food into fuel, which is used to produce energy. These B vitamins, often referred to as B-complex vitamins, also help the body use fats and protein so are important for our bodies and health in general.

Folate is essential for good energy levels and optimal nerve function, which are both important in fighting fatigue and stopping us from feeling tired. Folic acid also seems to reduce the chance of heart attacks and strokes, so it has wider health benefits too. Taking a folate supplement or a combined supplement with folate included can ensure your body is feeling at its healthiest,


Experts believe that increasing our iron intake may give us more energy. Our body needs iron to produce haemoglobin, the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen to every part of our body.

When iron levels are low, our cells don't get the oxygen they need, which can leave us feeling tired and exhausted. Many people turn to an iron supplement to help fight these symptoms and keep their iron levels from dipping too low.

What are the health dangers of fatigue?

Tiredness can come with dangers for our bodies, especially if we find it’s stopping us from being able to do our daily routine effectively.

If exhaustion begins to leave you drained and unable to complete anything, you should talk to your doctor. They may run tests to find underlying health causes such as anaemia or even diagnose chronic fatigue.

Fatigue results in slower reactions, reduced ability to process information, memory lapses, absent-mindedness, decreased awareness, lack of attention, underestimation of risk, reduced coordination etc. Fatigue can lead to errors and accidents, ill-health and injury, and reduced productivity.

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The benefits of Active Energy:

Fatigue fighting

Reduces feelings of tiredness and fatigue, leaving you energised and recharged.

Metabolic support

Restores the body’s minerals and vitamins and helping it with essential nutrients that support the body’s metabolism,

Immunity protection

Maintains the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise and keeps up with busy lifestyles.

Ingredients without impact

Natural energy sourced from Adaptogenic herbs

Most energy supplements are synthetic and based around caffeine or melatonin, an ingredient which is banned in the UK. Our all-natural, stimulant-free alternative harnesses the power of Adaptogenic herbs, Rhodiola and Schizandra, instead. These potent plants work with your body clock to fight fatigue during the day and slow your metabolism to promote relaxation at night.

What is in each capsule?

Each multivitamin contains a combination of energy yielding vitamins and minerals including B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 & C, Folate & Iron as well as Adaptogenic Herbs: Rhodiola and Schizandra.

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Product Information

  • Suit­able for every­one, includ­ing preg­nant women, infants, and children. 

  • Also suit­able for veg­e­tar­i­ans, veg­ans and indi­vid­u­als with fish and seafood allergies. 

  • For best results take 1 cap­sule per day with food or imme­di­ate­ly after food, with a full glass of water.

  • Rec­om­mend­ed dosage should not be exceeded.

Discover which supplements can be taken together.

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per Tablet % EU NRV
Vitamin B2 10mg 714%
Vitamin B3 25mg 156%
Vitamin B5 10mg 166%
Vitamin B6 5mg 357%
Vitamin B12 1mg 40000%
Folate 200µg 100%
Vitamin C 160mg 200%
Iron 14mg 100%
Coenzyme Q10 60mg N/A
Rhodiola Rosea Extract 200mg N/A
Schisandra Chinensis Extract 200mg N/A

Ascorbic Acid, Iron Bisglycinate, Coenzyme Q10, Nicotinamide, Rhodiola Extract, Schisandra Extract, Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folate, Cyanocobalamin, Vegetable Capsule Shell (Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose), Anticaking agents (Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide).

Store in a cool dry place, in original packaging, out of sight and reach of young children

  • If you are taking any prescribed medication or have any medical conditions always consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking vitamins or supplements.

  • Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

  • If you experience an adverse reaction, stop taking the supplement and seek medical advice.

  • We’re all different. Sometimes a supplement will suit one person but not another. If a product doesn’t suit you, stop taking it and we’ll be happy to help you find an alternative.

  • We offer a 90-day, money-back guarantee. That means, if you don’t like the product, you can send it back to us for a refund within 90 days

Your Questions Answered

I always start my mornings with a delicious cup of coffee and a bite to eat. I was wondering if it's alright to have Active Energy with my coffee. Specifically, I want to know if there are any issues with absorption. Hi, as caffeine has a diuretic effect, our advice is to drink your coffee and wait approximately 30 minutes before taking Active Energy (or any other supplement). To be perfectly honest, we literally mean to wait until you've been to the bathroom as likely triggered by the coffee! This is to avoid the water-based vitamins in Active Energy (or other supplements) being flushed straight through before the body has time to absorb them.
I have question about your vitamin Bone care,Active Energy .Every 3month i am checking blood test , I took blood test June19 university hospital it was my regular check up . Since I took Bone care and Active Energy my uric acid level up 8.4 . It cause tophus because of my uric acid level up so high , usually my level was 5.2 . I do not drink any kind of alcohol or I am not eat meat . Only change was I took Bone care and Active energy . What do you think those two vitamins cause tophus ? Please let me know your opinion . Thanks Hi, we would expect both Active Energy and Bone Care formulas to support normal Uric Acid levels. We can't find any indication that any of the components can contribute negatively. Our recommendation is to monitor your Uric Acid level again in the coming months to see if it was a seasonal spike. It is worth consulting your Doctor if your Uric Acid levels remain high.
my husband has the early stages of Alzheimer's at the moment he takes your ginkgo and omega 3 liquid. He is on patches exelon 9mg rivastigmine .He often falls asleep and I wonder if your energy capsules would be ok for him to take and would they help? Hi, our Active Energy formula is well worth a try, because it is designed to work with the body clock naturally. We do not expect any negative interaction with the medication, but it is always worth consulting the Doctor before introducing any supplements, just in case there are specific nutrients they advise to avoid. Very best wishes and we would love to hear your feedback if the formula helps.
I still have some packages of Active Energy that I bought from you in 2022, with an expiration date of 2023. How many months after the expiration date can I consume the capsules? Hi, if the Active Energy bottles have been stored unopened in a cool and dry location since receipt, they will be fine to open and consume by the end of 2024. We apply a 24 month shelf-life to our products as standard, but we test for far longer.
Hi, where do you source your B vitamins and particularly B12? Thank you. Hi, our B Vitamins (inc. B12) are produced using fermentation.
I take a South African tablet for Insulin resistance called Glucophage and it depletes VIT B. Do you think this is a high enough strength to counteract something like that ? Hi, Active Energy contains good levels of B Vitamins, so hopefully they can be sufficient to counteract depletion caused by your medication. It is worth taking a blood test after 8-12 weeks of use, to check your B Vitamin status.
Have a question you don’t see answered? Get in touch. Ask a question


    8 Oct 2024


    4 Jun 2024
    This is a product thanks to which my vitamin B12 and ferritin levels are much higher that prior to using it (I keep track of my blood regularly).


    26 May 2024
    Although I have had various vitamins from. Vegetology the one that stands out is the Active Energy. My daughter bought me these first in Decmber 2019 when I was an early victim of COVID. I am 90 and had so little energy I could hardly get to the kitchen but after 3 weeks of Active Energy I was gradually able to walk into town again every morning. I have taken them ever since


    19 May 2023
    Hyvä tuote! En syö lihaa, joten 👍


    17 Aug 2022

    Robin Laushway-Smith

    22 Jul 2022
    Good quality. Hope to see more sublingual in future.


    22 Jun 2022
    Thank you for vegan options

    Amanda Collins

    3 Jan 2022
    I definitely feel better when I take this product. It got me through the busy Christmas period with more energy than usual!


    26 Nov 2021
    Complete and affordable!


    12 Nov 2021
    Amazing product!


    11 Nov 2021
    Integratore completo. Suggerito per il ferro ma copre anche altri componenti .


    20 Oct 2021
    It’s the only one that really works with me