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Should children take multivitamins?

Looking to boost your kids’ energy and development? Reach for Vegetology’s children’s chewable multivitamin

Little minds and bodies need loads of energy to do what they do best. Exploring, running, playing, learning and growing require a strong immune system and plenty of strength to stay supercharged all day long.

Vegetology has launched a vegan children's chewable multivitamin, designed to boost their energy, health and development, so they stay energised - and keep you on your toes!

Can kids get enough nutrition from food?

For kids, just like for adults, food is fuel. But it’s not always so easy to persuade them to eat the right things. Picture the scene. You present a beautiful rainbow dish of broccoli, sweetcorn and red pepper with a fresh salmon fillet. And what’s the response? A turned up nose, a piece of broccoli tossed on the floor. We’ve all been there. You’re doing your best to instil great eating habits, valiantly serving up nutritious and delicious meals, only to be met with disdain.

Team Vegetology has developed a children’s chewable multivitamin to give you – and them – a helping hand. Although food is the best source of nutrients for kids, they often don’t get the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals from their diet. So, how can we get enough nutrition into their little tummies?

Chewable multivitamins – easy, tasty and good for them

If it’s not covered in sugar, or beige in colour, it can be hard to get them to bite. Until the fussy phase passes, the kid who refuses to eat vegetables needs a nutritional boost, and children’s vitamin supplements can help build strong bones and maintain a healthy immune system. A multivitamin is the most convenient way to give them everything they need in one easy-to-swallow chewable tablet.

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What are multivitamins?

Kids multivitamins contain a combination of vitamins and minerals, designed to help support their daily nutritional requirements and bridge gaps in nutrition when their diet isn’t as balanced as it could be.

Which vitamins do kids need? 

  • Vitamin D. This is usually absorbed into the body through sun exposure, but in climates like the UK, we need to boost our Vitamin D by eating eggs, fortified cereal, milk, orange juice, yoghurt, salmon and tuna. Vitamin D drops for babies are highly recommended by health professionals, especially for breastfed babies, as formula milk is fortified with Vitamin D.
  • Iron.Iron delivers oxygen throughout the body and can be found in red meat, eggs and iron-fortified cereals. Getting enough iron can be a problem for toddlers, older children and adolescents, especially if they don’t eat meat.
  • Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is key for developing brains and nerves and can be found naturally in animal products like red meat, fish and shellfish and also in fortified cereals and non-dairy milks.
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How to choose the right multivitamin

You’ve decided to go for a multivitamin, but there are so many on the market. Here’s what to look out for on the label.

  • Age-appropriate. Choose one made for your child's age group. It shouldn't give more than 100% of the daily required value of vitamins and minerals.
  • Ingredients. A good children’s multivitamin should contain calcium, Vitamin D and iron.
  • Avoid fillers. Choose children’s vitamins that don’t contain artificial flavours, colouring or sweeteners. It’s best to avoid gummies which are high in sugar.
  • Watch out for allergens. Supplements should be free of common allergens like nuts, eggs and dairy.

How do multivitamins work?

Multivitamins support a range of essential bodily processes by delivering micronutrients, including water-soluble vitamins (B and C), fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium) and trace minerals (iron, selenium, zinc, copper and fluoride).

What do we need vitamins for?

Kids need vitamins to stay healthy, but how exactly? Here’s the biology behind the advice:

  • Immunity. Their immune system protects little bodies from big nasties, and it sometimes needs a boost, especially in kids who don’t eat enough fruit and veg.
  • Nervous system. Their nerves need to be healthy to send impulses from the brain to the body.
  • Brain function. Vitamins keep children’s psychological function ticking along, making concentration and learning easier and more fun.

Multivitamins vs single vitamins?

Why go for a multivitamin? One word: convenience. Single vitamins target individual goals, such as healthy bones or fighting fatigue, and multivitamins offer a wide range of different vitamins and minerals in an easy, one-a-day format.

What if my child is vegetarian or vegan?

Vitamins are particularly important for vegetarian and vegan children who may be low in iron, but many vitamins are derived from animal products. Vegetology’s products are plant-based, and designed to make you – and the planet - feel great. All our products are free from sugar, gluten, wheat and dairy and fully vegan.

Eco-friendly, low-sugar vitamin supplements

All our products are made in the UK and are non-GMO. Our children’s multivitamin is not produced in gummy form like many others, so we can avoid adding sugar.

Looking for a vitamin kick for your kids? Try our kids’ chewy vegan multivitamin to boost your kids’ mood, mind and vitality.

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Chewable All-in-One Everyday Health.

19 Essential Vitamins and Minerals.
Key nutrients like Vitamins A, C, D3, E, K2, and B-complex, along with Calcium, Folate, Iron, and Zinc, work together to support immune function, energy levels, cognitive focus, and bone health, while promoting good vision and overall eye health. With a mild strawberry and vanilla flavour, our Kids MultiVit is irresistibly delicious and packed with essential nutrients, making health a tasty adventure! Free from artificial colours, flavours, and preservatives, Kids MultiVit is a fun and safe part of your child's daily routine.

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